Let's Talk Hygeine - Outlash Extensions Pro US

Let's Talk Hygeine

Let’s talk hygiene, shall we? Your lashes need attention. Yes, you’re allowed to touch them. Yes, you can get them wet. Yes, you can cleanse them. Wearing eyelash extensions without proper hygiene will cause an infection because there is more surface area for bacteria to grow on. 

“But I don’t wear makeup.”

Makeup free or all of the makeup in the world doesn’t make a difference. Our body naturally produces oils and our day to day lives contract debris in our lashes. One of the primary functions our natural lashes do is to protect the eyes from small particles such as dust, sand or debris from entering and harming the eye.

Poor eye hygiene can lead to several infections such as:

  • Blepharitis (Blephars is Greek for eyelash). An irritation of the lid area, where eyelashes join the eyelid. When the eyelids are red, itchy and the skin becomes flaky, the eyelashes may fall out.
  • Parasites. Eyelashes can become infected with a parasitic crab louse
  • Stye (or external hordeolum). A purulent inflammation of infected eyelash follicles, surrounding sebaceous glands of the lid margin.
  • Demodex (or Demodioc Folliculorum). This is a small mite that lives harmlessly in eyelashes and other hair follicles. Surprisingly, it’s estimated that 98% of people have these mites, although would be unaware of their presence.
  • Madarosis. The loss of eyelashes.

“Ah! So, how exactly do I clean my eyelashes?”

Pick up one of specially formulated cleansers LashWash and use daily. Use one pump on each eyelid and use pointer finger to lather on gently in circular motions. If you wear makeup daily, use a soft bristled brush on the eyelid to ensure that all makeup is removed. Do not use cotton swabs as these can get caught onto your eyelash extensions. 

A clean lash line = happy lash line. You are only able to wear extensions if your natural lashes are in good shape!

Happy lashing!


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